Javier Marín Morales defended his doctoral thesis
“Modelling human emotions using immersive virtual reality, physiological signals and behavioural responses”

Last Friday our colleague Javier Marín Morales defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Modelling human emotions using immersive virtual reality, physiological signals and behavioural responses” supervised by Dr. Mariano Alcañiz, Dra. María del Carmen Llinares and Dr. Jaime Guixeres.
The thesis is based on the creation of recognition systems using electroencephalogram and cardiac rhythm, together with artificial intelligence algorithms in virtual reality. These systems will help in the future to investigate how day-to-day spaces and situations affect emotionally and to create training systems and personalized therapies based on the users´ emotional states.
Great job and very interesting results!
The thesis is based on the creation of recognition systems using electroencephalogram and cardiac rhythm, together with artificial intelligence algorithms in virtual reality. These systems will help in the future to investigate how day-to-day spaces and situations affect emotionally and to create training systems and personalized therapies based on the users´ emotional states.
Great job and very interesting results!
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