Real interaction multi-user tracking system
LabLENI has received a grant from the GVA for the acquisition of a highly immersive, multi-user system with high-definition body movement tracking and social signal processing capacity using artificial intelligence techniques (Machine Learning and Deep Learning).
All these equipment has been funded by the European Union within the Program ERDF operation of the Generalitat Valenciana 2021-2022 with the grant number IDIFEDER/2021/038 regarding infrastructure and equipment for R+D+r.

LabLENI has specialised equipment for the stimulation and analysis of human behaviour through interactive immersive technologies and behavioural and physiological measurement tools.
Our facilities allow us to simulate experiences from a totally virtual condition (Virtual Reality), through the combination of the physical and the virtual (Augmented Reality), to finally meet reality. In this way, extended realities allow us to make the leap to physical environments progressively.
The Institute has 2,100 square metres in which a multi-room configuration is integrated, consisting of five experimentation rooms and two observation rooms, equipped with one-way mirrors and closed audio and video circuits. This allows several experiments to be carried out at the same time.
The acquisition of this new system will provide our laboratory with a room in which it will be possible to recreate all kinds of real physical environments in which, at the same time, aspects of the environment can be altered by means of new digital technologies that are going to be implemented in real spaces in the coming years in sectors such as industry, tourism, retail, education and health. In this way, in a controlled way, it will be possible to use these technologies to alter the human experience in different parameters and at the same time quantify, through the implicit and explicit response of people in the space, their weight in decision-making. This can be done by means of a network of sensors harmoniously integrated into the environment, following the paradigm of Ambient Intelligence.