Situation COVID-19
Due to the current exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 and following the official rules...
We have has just renewed our ISO9001:2015 certificate!
LENI is certified with ISO9001:2015 as a standard of Quality Management System from 2009. We...
LabLENI at Match UPV-Babcock
On March 3 our colleagues Mario Ortega Pérez and Carla de Juan Ripoll attended the...
Alice Chicchi Giglioli defended her doctoral thesis
Novel supports to the assessment of cognitive functions through the combined use of technologies and...
Upcoming event! EuroVR 2020
LENI has been selected as the next organizing group of EuroVR in 2020...
HELIOS review meeting in Dublin (Ireland)
LaBLENI is a partner of HELIOS project and attended the project review meeting that took...
3D motion tracking co-funded by European Union
Motion tracking using IR technology and visualization with multichannel laser projection...
LabLENI shows the last applications developed for Pamesa Cerámica in CERSAIE 2019 on Bolonia (Italy)...
Neuromarketing Workshop
LabLENI and Tecnalia participated in a neuromarketing workshop in AMETIC...