ACW_TODO_ Assess and promote the recovery of brain function after an injury and examine the underlying mechanisms of different brain processes.



Caroline Schnakers, Chase Bauer, Rita Formisano, Enrique Noé, Roberto Llorens, Nicolas Lejeune, Michele Farisco, Liliana Teixeira, Ann-Marie Morrissey, Sabrina De Marco (2022). What names for covert awareness? A review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16.


Marco-Ahulló, A., Montesinos-Magraner, L., Gonzalez, L. M., Llorens, R., Segura-Navarro, X., & García-Massó, X. (2021). Validation of Using Smartphone Built-In Accelerometers to Estimate the Active Energy Expenditures of Full-Time Manual Wheelchair Users with Spinal Cord Injury. Sensors, 21, pp. 1498.
Mollà-Casanova, S., Llorens, R., Borrego, A., Salinas-Martínez, B., & Serra-Añó, P. (2021). Validity, reliability, and sensitivity to motor impairment severity of a multi-touch app designed to assess hand mobility, coordination, and function after stroke. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 18, pp. 1-15.
Gonçalves, A., Montoya, M. F., Llorens, R., & i Badia, S. B. (2021). A virtual reality bus ride as an ecologically valid assessment of balance: a feasibility study. Virtual Reality, pp. 1-9.
Noé, E., Ferri, J., Olaya, J., Navarro, M. D., O’Valle, M., Colomer, C., ... & Llorens, R. (2021). When, How, and to What Extent Are Individuals with Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome Able to Progress? Neurobehavioral Progress. Brain sciences, 11, pp. 126.
Afonso Gonçalves, Adrián Borrego, Jorge Latorre, Roberto Llorens, and Sergi Bermúdez i Badia (2021). Evaluation of the Tracking Reliability, Sense of Presence, and Cybersickness of the KAVE, an Open-Source Software for Low-Cost Immersive Virtual Reality Surround-Screen Projection Systems. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1, pp. 99.
Roberto Llorens, María Antonia Fuentes, Adrián Borrego, Jorge Latorre, Mariano Alcañiz, Carolina Colomer, Enrique Noé (2021). Effectiveness of a combined transcranial direct current stimulation and virtual reality-based intervention on upper limb function in chronic individuals post-stroke with persistent severe hemiparesis. A randomized controlled trial. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 18, pp. 108.
Sara Ventura, Ausias Cebolla, Jorge Latorre, Tamara Escrivá-Martínez, Roberto Llorens, Rosa Baños (2021). The benchmark framework and exploratory study to investigate the feasibility of 360° video-based virtual reality to induce a full body illusion. Virtual Reality.
Enrique Noé, Mª Dolores Navarro, Desirée Amorós, Mª Carmen García-Blazquez, Myrtha O’Valle, Pablo Villarino, Silvia Cerezo, Carolina Colomer, Belén Moliner, Patricia Ugart, Clara Rodriguez, Roberto Llorens, Joan Ferri (2021). Efectividad, adherencia y usabilidad de un programa de teleneurorrehabilitación para garantizar la continuidad de cuidados en pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido durante la pandemia originada por el COVID-19. Revista de neurología.


Roberto Llorens (2020). Effect of virtual reality-based training of the ankle, hip and stepping strategies on balance after stroke. Virtual reality in health and rehabilitation (Taylor and Francis).
Desdentado, L., Cebolla, A., Miragall, M., Llorens, R., Navarro, M. D., & Baños, R. M. (2020). Exploring the Role of Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion in Anxious and Depressive Symptomatology Following Acquired Brain Injury. Mindfulness, 1.
Olaya, J., Noé, E., Navarro, M. D., O’Valle, M., Colomer, C., Moliner, B., ... & Llorens, R. (2020). When, How, and to What Extent Are Individuals with Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome Able to Progress? Functional Independence. Brain sciences, 10, pp. 990.
Schnakers, C., Hirsch, M., Noé, E., Llorens, R., Lejeune, N., Veeramuthu, V., ... & Estraneo, A. (2020). Covert Cognition in Disorders of Consciousness: A Meta-Analysis. Brain sciences, 10, pp. 930.
Garcia-Marti Veronica, G., Jorge, L., Elena, O., Roberto, L., Giancarlo, C., Massimiliano, P., & Eleonora, C. (2020). Postural assessment using the Wii Balance Board. A feasibility study with healthy adults and patients with multiple sclerosis. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL, 26, pp. 49-49.
Alvarez, I., Latorre, J., Aguilar, M., Pastor, P., & Llorens, R. (2020). Feasibility of instrumented low-cost assessment of posture and gait in Parkinson\'s disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 79, pp. e50-e51.
Colomer, C., Noe, E., Llorens, R., & Ferri, J. (2020). Recovery of consciousness in pediatric disorders of consciousness - long-term outcomes and predictors. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 27, pp. 816-816.
Ippoliti, C., Noe, E., Ferri, J., Navarro, M. D., Olaya, J., Maza-Pino, A. M., & Llorens, R. (2020). Clinical progress of individuals in minimally conscious state plus and minus. Description and comparison of the level of consciousness and disability. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 27, pp. 1205-1205.
Navarro, J., Cebolla, A., Llorens, R., Borrego, A., & Baños, R. M. (2020). Manipulating Self-Avatar Body Dimensions in Virtual Worlds to Complement an Internet-Delivered Intervention to Increase Physical Activity in Overweight Women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, pp. 4045.
Navarro, M. D., Llorens, R., Borrego, A., Alcañiz, M., Noé, E., & Ferri, J. (2020). Competition Enhances the Effectiveness and Motivation of Attention Rehabilitation After Stroke. A Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14.
Álvarez, I., Latorre, J., Aguilar, M., Pastor, P., & Llorens, R. (2020). Validity and sensitivity of instrumented postural and gait assessment using low-cost devices in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 17.
Miragall, M., Borrego, A., Cebolla, A., Etchemendy, E., Navarro-Siurana, J., Llorens, R., ... & Baños, R. M. (2020). Effect of an upright (vs. stooped) posture on interpretation bias, imagery, and emotions. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, pp. 101560.


Moliner B., Maza A., Latorre J., Navarro M., Noé E., Ferri J., Llorens R. (2019). Ability to Identify Facial Expressions of Emotion and Visual Behaviour are Impaired after A Brain Injury. The 13th World Congress on Brain Injury (WCBI 2019).
Noé E., Torres L., Server M., Navarro M., O´Valle M., Villalba A., Olaya J., García C., Galvao A., Ferri J., Llorens R. (2019). Effect of Transauricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Disorders of Consciousness: A Feasibility Study. The 13th World Congress on Brain Injury (WCBI 2019).
Fuentes M.A., Borrego A., Alcañiz M., Ciscar R., López R., Colomer C., Noé E., Ferri J., Llorens R. (2019). Combined Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Virtual Reality Promotes Clinically Meaningful Improvements on Severely Impaired Upper Limb Function in Individuals with Chronic Stroke. The 13th World Congress on Brain Injury (WCBI 2019).
Latorre J., Mollà S., Salinas B., Borrego A., Alcañiz M., Colomer C., Llorens R. (2019). Multi-touch-based assessment of hand mobility, dexterity and function. Preliminary study of validity, reliability and sensitivity to upper limb impairment severity in individuals with stroke. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2019 (ICVR 2019).
Borrego A., Latorre J., Alcañiz M., Llorens R. (2019). Reliability of the Empatica E4 wristband to measure electrodermal activity to emotional stimuli. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2019 (ICVR 2019).
Borrego A., Llorens R., Gutierrez D., Masía B. (2019). Standardized experimental estimation of the maximum unnoticeable environmental displacement during eye blinks for redirect walking in virtual reality. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2019 (ICVR 2019).
Moliner B., Maza A., Navarro M., Latorre J., Llorens R., Ferri J., Noé E. (2019). Alteraciones de la conducta y de la cognición social tras un daño cerebral adquirido: estudio del seguimiento visual durante el reconocimiento de expresiones faciales emocionales. XXXV Reunión de la Sociedad Valencia de Neurología, 2018.
Garcia-Marti V., Latorre J., Ortu E., Llorens R., Coghe G., Pau M., Cocco E. (2019). Feasibility of a low-cost system based on the Microsoft Kinect to investigate spatiotemporal gait parameters in people with Multiple Sclerosis. 24th Annual RIMS Conference (RIMS 2019).
Vara M.D., Miragall M., Herrero R., Palomo P., Borrego A., Llorens R., Cebolla A., Baños R.M. (2019). Interoceptive body awareness as an underlying mechanism explaining the susceptibility to Rubber Hand Illusion in Eating Disorders patients. Association for behavioral and cognitive therapies.
Borrego A., et al. (2019). “Thin-Fat” Categorical Boundaries: An underlying mechanism in Body Image Disturbance?. Association for behavioral and cognitive therapies.
Ugart P., Colomer C., Rodríguez C., Moliner B., Llorens R., Ferri J. (2019). Efectos de estimulación transauricular del nervio vago en los estados alterados de conciencia – Efectividad y seguridad. 57º Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación y Medicina Física (SERMEF 2019).
Llorens R., et al. (2019). Effectiveness of a rehabilitation system on attentional functions through multiplayer competitive tasks. 16 Congreso de Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica.
Cebolla, A., Herrero, R., Ventura, S., Miragall, M., Bellosta-Batalla, M., Llorens, R., & Baños, R. M. (2019). Putting Oneself in the Body of Others: A Pilot Study on the Efficacy of an Embodied Virtual Reality System to Generate Self-Compassion. Frontiers in psychology, 10.
Latorre, J., Colomer, C., Alcañiz, M., & Llorens, R. (2019). Gait analysis with the Kinect v2: normative study with healthy individuals and comprehensive study of its sensitivity, validity, and reliability in individuals with stroke. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 16, pp. 97.
Borrego, A., Latorre, J., Alcañiz, M., & Llorens, R. (2019). Embodiment and presence in virtual reality after stroke. A comparative study with healthy subjects. Frontiers in neurology, 10, pp. 1061.
Maza, A., Moliner, B., Ferri, J., & Llorens, R. (2019). Visual behavior, pupil dilation and ability to identify emotions from facial expressions after stroke. Frontiers in neurology, 10, pp. 1415.
Moliner, B., Maza, A., Latorre, J., Navarro, M., Noe, E., Ferri, J., & Llorens, R. (2019). Ability to Identify Facial Expressions of Emotion and Visual Behaviour are Impaired after A Brain Injury. BRAIN INJURY, 33, pp. 178-179.


Antonia M., Borrego A., Latorre J., Colomer C., Alcañiz M., Sanchez M.J., Noe E., Llorens R. Combined Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Virtual Reality-Based Paradigm for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Individuals with Restricted Movements. A Feasibility Study with a Chronic Stroke Survivor with Severe Hemiparesis. Journal of Medical Systems, 2018. 42 (5): 87. [Link]

Latorre J.,  Llorens R., Colomer C., Alcañiz M. Reliability and comparison of Kinect-based methods for estimating spatiotemporal gait parameters of healthy and post-stroke individuals. Journal of Biomechanics, 201872 (2018): 268-273.  [Link]

Borrego A., Latorre J., Alcañiz M., Llorens R. Comparison of Oculus and HTC Vive – Feasibility of the tracking system for virtual reality-based rehabilitation. Games for Health Journal, 20187 (2): 151-156.  [Link]

J. Latorre, C. Colomer, M. Alcañiz, R. Llorens A low-cost Kinect for Windows v2-based spatiotemporal gait analysis system. Efficacy study with healthy subjects and individuals with stroke. Proceedings of the 12nd International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, 2018. 205 – 208.

S. Fonseca-Baeza, A. Borrego, M. Miragall, M. Alcañiz, R. Llorens, R. Baños. Plausibility and weight classification of 3D avatars from egocentric and allocentric perspectives. A preliminary study in healthy women. Proceedings of the 12nd International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, 2018. 205 – 208.

E. Noé, J. Latorre, C. Colomer, B. Moliner, J.M. Climent, C. Rodríguez, P. Ugart, A. Borrego, E. Crespo, R. Llorens, J. Ferri. Validez de un sistema de análisis instrumental de la marcha de bajo coste en sujetos hemiparéticos. XXXV Reunión de la Sociedad Valencia de Neurología, 2018.

A. Galvao-Carmona, M. O´Valle, A. Villalba, M. López-Martín, R. Llorens, J. Ferri, E. Noé. Cognitive evoked potentials associated with a transcranial direct current stimulation intervention in a minimally conscious state patient: a 4-month follow-up single case study. II Congreso Iberoamericano de Neuropsicología, 2018.

C. Colomer, E. Noé, R. Llorens , B. Moliner , M.D. Navarro , J. Ferri . Recuperación y Funcionalidad en Estados Alterados de la Conciencia. XXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Valenciana de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, 2018.

J. Ferri, M. Lafuente, C. Colomer, B. Moliner, R. Llorens, E. Noé. Revisión del término permanente en estados alterados de conciencia: estudio longitudinal en una muestra de 80 pacientes. Sociedad Valenciana de Medicina Intensiva, Crítica y Unidades Coronarias, 2018.

S. Fonseca-Baeza, M. Miragall, C. Sangrador, S. Bolo, G. Corno, A. Borrego, R. Llorens, y R.M. Baños. Las ventajas de la RV para evaluar distorsiones en las experiencias corporales. I Congreso Internacional Intersanitario, 2018.


Llorens R., Alcañiz M., Noé E., Deutsch J. Time since injury limits but does not prevent improvement and maintenance of gains in balance in chronic stroke. Brain Injury, 2017. In press. [Link]

Llorens R., Borrego A., Palomo P., Cebolla A., Noé E., Bermúdez i Badia S., Baños R. Body schema plasticity after stroke: Subjective and neurophysiological correlates of the rubber hand illusion. Neuropsychologia, 2017. 96:61-69. [Link]

Palomo P., Borrego A., Cebolla A., Llorens R., Demarzo M., Baños R. Subjective, behavioral, and physiological responses to the rubber hand illusion do not vary with age in the adult phase. Consciousness and Cognition, 2017. S1053-8100 (16): 30416-0. [Link]

Noé-Sebastián E., Balasch-Bernat M., Colomer-Font C., Moliner-Muñoz B., Rodríguez Sánchez-Leiva C., Ugart P., Llorens R., Ferri-Campos J. Ictus y discapacidad – Estudio longitudinal en pacientes con discapacidad moderada-severa tras un ictus. Revista de Neurología, 2017. 64 (9): 385-392  [Link]

Noé E., Olaya J., Colomer C., Moliner B., Ugart P., Rodriguez C., Llorens R., Ferri J.  Validez actual del diagnóstico de “estado vegetativo permanente”: estudio longitudinal en una muestra clínica de pacientes en estados alterados de conciencia. Neurologia, 2017. S0213-4853(17): 30220-7.  [Link]

Latorre J., Llorens R., Borrego A., Alcañiz M., Colomer C., Noé E. A low-cost Kinect™ for Windows® v2-based gait analysis system. A feasibility study with healthy subjects. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2017 (ICVR 2017), 2017. [Link]

Llorens R., Borrego A., Latorre J., Alcañiz M., Colomer C., Noé E. A combined transcranial direct current stimulation and virtual reality-based intervention on upper limb function in chronic stroke survivors with severe hemiparesis. A feasibility study. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2017 (ICVR 2017), 2017. [Link]

Freitas D., Paulino T., Bermúdez i Badia S., Llorens R., Deutsch J. Open Rehab Initiative: second development iteration. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2017 (ICVR 2017), 2017. [Link]

Noé E., Llorens R., Fuentes M., Colomer C., Moliner B., Rodríguez C., Ugart P., Galán P., Borrego A., Fernandez E., Baldoví A., Hervás E., Collado B., Moreno P., Latorre J., Ferri J. Eficacia de un sistema multimodal cerrado basado en estimulación eléctrica transcraneal y realidad virtual para la rehabilitación del miembro superior en pacientes con ictus crónico y hemiparesia grave. XXXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Valencia de Neurología, 2017.

Álvarez I., Latorre J., Llorens R., Aguilar M., Tartari J.P., Soler P., Pastor P. Validación de un sistema de bajo coste para el análisis del control postural y la marcha en la enfermedad de Parkinson. LXIX Reunión Anual de la SEN, 2017.

Navarro MD., Llorens R., Galvao A., Moliner B., Colomer C., Rodríguez C., Ugart P., Garcia-Blazquez C., Amorós D., O’Valle M., Ferri J., Noé E. Eficacia de un sistema de rehabilitación de las funciones atencionales mediante tareas competitivas multijugador: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado cruzado en pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido. XV Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Neurorrehabilitación, 2017.


Borrego A., Latorre J., Llorens R., Alcañiz M., Noé E. Feasibility of a walking virtual reality system for rehabilitation: objective and subjective parameters. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2016. 9;13(1):68. [Link]

Colomer C., Llorens R., Noé E. and Alcañiz M. Effect of a mixed reality-based intervention on arm, hand, and finger function on chronic stroke. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2016. 13:45. [Link]

Cebolla A., Miragall M., Palomo P., Llorens R., Soler J., Demarzo M., García-Campayo J., M. Baños R. Embodiment and body awareness in meditators. Mindfulness, 2016. pp. 1–9. [Link]

Llorens R., Latorre J., Noé E., Keshner E.A. Posturography using the Wii Balance Board™: A feasibility study with healthy adults and adults post-stroke. Gait & Posture, 2016. 43:228-32. [Link]

Colomer C., Noé E., Llorens R. Mirror therapy in chronic stroke survivors with severely impaired upper limb function: A randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2016. 52(3):271-8. [Link]

Llorens R., Noé E. Through the eyes of neglect patients. A preliminary eye-tracking study of unilateral spatial neglect. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences, 2016. 28:1. [Link]

Ferri J., Navarro M.D., Noé E., Llorens R. Free mobile app about acquired brain injury. Needs of caregivers and effects on anxiety and self-efficacy. Eleventh World Congress on Brain Injury/Brain Injury, 2016. 30(5–6):546.

Borrego A., Llorens R., Noé E., Palomo P., Cebolla A., Baños R.  Body schema plasticity after stroke. Insights from the Rubber Hand Illusion on spastic subjects. Eleventh World Congress on Brain Injury/Brain Injury, 2016. 30(5–6):547.

Latorre J., Llorens R., Noé E., Keshner E.A. Validity and reliability of an open access Wii Balance Board-based posturography. Eleventh World Congress on Brain Injury/Brain Injury, 2016. 30(5–6):547.

Galvao-Carmona A., Vázquez-Marrufo M., Llorens R., Noé-Sebastián E. Behavioral and neurophysiological changes after an attentional Virtual Rehabilitation program in stroke patients. 1st Iberoamerican Congress of Neuropsychology, 2016.

Navarro M.D., Llorens R., Galvao A., Moliner B., Colomer C., Rodriguez C., Ugart P., Garcia-Blazquez C., Amoros D., O’Valle M., Ferri J., Noé E. Eficacia de un sistema virtual multijugador para la rehabilitación de las funciones atencionales mediante tareas competitivas: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado cruzado en pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido. XXXIII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Valenciana de Neurología, 2016.

Llorens R., Navarro M.D., Noé E., Alcañiz. M. Competition improves attention and motivation after stroke. 11th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, 2016. pp. 31-9. [Link]

Borrego A., Latorre J., Llorens R., Noé E., Alcañiz M. Influence of point of view and technology in presence and embodiment. 11th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, 2016. pp. 93-100. [Link]

Bermúdez i Badia S., Deustch J.E., Llorens R. Open Rehab Initiative: design and formative evaluation. 11th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, 2016. pp. 271-4. [Link]


Ferri J., Noé E., Llorens R. The Spanish version of the coma recovery scale-revised: Events on a correct timeline. Brain Injury, 2015. 21:1-2. [Link]

Lloréns R, Noé E, Colomer C, Alcañiz M. Effectiveness, Usability, and Cost-Benefit of a Virtual Reality–Based Telerehabilitation Program for Balance Recovery After Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 2015. 96(3):418-425  [Link]

Llorens R., Noé E., Colomer C., Alcañiz M. Effectiveness of a virtual reality-based telerehabilitation program for balance recovery after stroke: a randomized controlled trial. The authors respond. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 2015. 96(8):1544-6. [Link]

Llorens R.; Gil-Gómez J.A.; Alcañiz M.; Colomer C.; Noé E. Improvement in balance using a virtual reality-based stepping exercise: a randomized controlled trial involving individuals with chronic stroke. Clinical Rehabilitation, 2015. 29(3):261-8. [Link]

Llorens R., Noé E., Naranjo V., Borrego A., Latorre J., Alcañiz M. Tracking systems for virtual rehabilitation: Objective performance vs. subjective experience. A practical scenario. Sensors, 2015. 15: 6586-606. [Link]

Llorens R., Noé E., Ferri J., Alcañiz M. Videogame-based group therapy to improve self-awareness and social skills after traumatic brain injury. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2015. 12:37. [Link]

Keshner E.A., Llorens R., Latorre J., Noé E. Validity, reliability, and clinical utility of an open access Wii Balance Board-based posturography. International Society for Posture and Gait Research World Congress 2015, 2015.

Llorens R., Latorre J., Noé E., Keshner E.A. A low-cost Wii Balance Board™-based posturography system: an efficacy study with healthy subjects and individuals with stroke. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2015 (ICVR 2015), 2015. pp. 80-5. [Link]

Borrego A., Latorre J., Llorens R., Noé E., Keshner E.A. Low-cost, room-size, and highly immersive virtual reality system for virtual and mixed reality applications. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2015 (ICVR 2015), 2015. pp. 273-7. [Link]

Latorre J., Llorens R., Noé E., Keshner E.A., Alcañiz M. A low-cost posturography assessment using the Wii Balance Board. Reliability and clinical utility. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurorehabilitation 2015 (ICRAN 2015), 2015. pp. 77-8.

Borrego A., Llorens R., Palomo P., Cebolla A., Baños R., Noé E., Bermúdez i Badia S. Effects of the rubber hand illusion experiment on stroke survivors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurorehabilitation, 2015 (ICRAN2015), 2015. pp. 43-4.

Galvao-Carmona A., Vázquez-Marrufo M., Llorens R., Noé E. Neurophysiological and behavioral indices of improvement after cognitive virtual rehabilitation program in stroke patients. A preliminary study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurorehabilitation 2015 (ICRAN2015), 2015. pp. 55-56.

Noé E., Llorens R., Colomer C., Latorre J., Verdecho I., Baldoví A., Rodríguez C., Sánchez-Leiva R., Climent J.M., Moliner B., Martinez-Crespo G., Ferri J. Desarrollo y validación de un sistema de posturografía online empleando plataformas de presión de bajo coste. XXXII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Valenciana de Neurología, 2015.

Colomer C., Sánchez-Leiva R., Borrego A., Llorens R., Climent J.M. Experimento Rubber Hand Illusion en pacientes sanos y hemiparéticos: la sensación de propiedad del cuerpo. XXIV Congreso de la Sociedad Valenciana de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, 2015.

Colomer C., Fernández E., Sánchez-Leiva R., Climent J.M. Protocolo combinado de terapia con espejo, imaginería motora, relajación y masoterapia en dolor por miembro fantasma: revisión a propósito de un caso. XXIV Congreso de la Sociedad Valenciana de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, 2015.

Llorens R., Latorre J., Noé E., Verdecho I. Validez y fiabilidad de un sistema de posturografía gratuito mediante la Nintendo® Wii Balance Board. XIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Neurorrehabilitación, 2015.

Navarro M.D., Amorós D., García-Blázquez C., O’Valle M., Llorens R., Martínez-Crespo G., Colomer C., Moliner B., Sánchez-Leiva C., Noé E., Ferri J. Daño cerebral adquirido y tecnologías de la información: estudio de las necesidades de los cuidadores y eficacia de una aplicación informática psicoeducativa para el móvil. Revista de Neurología, 2015. 62(5):235.


Navalón, N., Verdecho, I., Llorens, R., Colomer, C., Sanchez-Leiva, C., Martinez-Crespo, G., Noé, E. Progression of posturographic findings after acquired brain injury. Brain Injury, 2014. 28(11):1417–24. [Link]

Llorens R., Colomer C., Noé E., Ortega M., Alcañiz M. Functional improvement of hemiparetic upper limb after a virtual reality-based intervention with a tabletop system and tangible objects. Proc. 10th Intl Conf. on Disability, Virtual Reality and Assoc. Technologies, P M Sharkey, E Klinger (Eds), 2014. pp. 99-106. [Link]

Llorens R., Borrego A, Parra E., Naranjo V., Noé E., Alcañiz M. Subjective perceptions when using motion tracking systems. A comparison among healthy subjects, individuals post-stroke, and therapists. Proc. 10th Intl Conf. on Disability, Virtual Reality and Assoc. Technologies, P M Sharkey, E Klinger (Eds), 2014. pp. 173-180. [Link] 

Llorens R., Noé E., Ferri J., Alcañiz M. Virtual reality-based telerehabilitation programme for balance recovery. A pilot study in hemiparetic individuals with acquired brain injury. Tenth World Congress on Brain Injury/Brain Injury, 2014. 28(4–5):169.

Llorens R., Noé E., Naranjo V., Moliner B. Stroke rehabilitation through the Kinect™: Reality beyond the revolution. A comparison among different tracking systems and populations. Tenth World Congress on Brain Injury/Brain Injury, 2014. 28(4–5):167.

Llorens R., Colomer C., Baldoví-Felici A., Verdecho I. Clinical and brain imaging changes after upper-limb rehabilitation with a virtual reality tabletop system. Tenth World Congress on Brain Injury/Brain Injury, 2014. 28(4–5): 166.

Colomer C., Rodríguez Sánchez-Leiva C., Pérez-Pomares M., Climent-Barberá J., Llorens R., Martínez-Crespo G. Eficacia y usabilidad de un sistema de rehabilitación virtual del miembro superior mediante interfaces naturales y objetos tangibles. 52 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación y Medicina Física (SERMEF 2014), 2014. pp. 22.


Navarro M.D., Llorens R., Noé E., Ferri J., Alcañiz M. Validation of a low-cost virtual reality system for training street-crossing. A comparative study in healthy, neglected and non-neglected stroke individuals. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 2013. 23(4):597-618. [Link]

Llorens R., Colomer-Font C., Alcañiz M., Noé-Sebastián E. Análisis de efectividad y satisfacción de un sistema de realidad virtual para la rehabilitación del equilibrio en pacientes con daño cerebral. Neurología, 2013. 28(5):268–75.

Llorens R., Alcañiz M., Navarro M.D., Ferri J., Noé E. Self-awareness rehabilitation through a multi-touch virtual game board after acquired brain injury. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2013 (ICVR2013), 2013. pp. 134–8. [Link]

Llorens R., Colomer C., Alcañiz M., Noé E. Effectiveness of a Kinect™-based system to relearn step strategies following a stroke. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurorehabilitation 2013 (ICRAN2013), 2013. pp. 98-9.

Clemente M., Martínez T., Rey B., Mesa-Gresa P., Llorens R., Alcañiz M., Navarro M.D., Ferri J., Bernabeu A. Evaluation of a cognitive treatment for ABI patients using fMRI and DTI, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurorehabilitation 2013 (ICRAN2013), 2013. pp. 89-91.

Noé E., Llorens R., Ferri J., Alcañiz M. Effectiveness of a virtual board game to improve self-awareness in acquired brain injury patients. 23rd Meeting of the European Neurological Society/Journal of Neurology, 2013. 260(S1):95.

Llorens R., Noé E., Colomer C., Alcañiz M. Balance rehabilitation through virtual reality: a randomized controlled trial with acquired brain injury patients. 23rd Meeting of the European Neurological Society/Journal of Neurology, 2013. 260(S1):96.

Llorens R., Noé E., Albiol S., Gil-Gómez J. Wii balance board custom-made exercises to regain balance after acquired brain injury: clinical evidence. 23rd Meeting of the European Neurological Society/Journal of Neurology, 2013. 260(S1):95.

Noé E., Llorens R., Verdecho I., Colomer C., Moliner B., Alcañiz M., Martínez Crespo G., Fernández González E., Baldoví A., Ferri J. Cómo puede la Wii Balance Board ayudar en la valoración y tratamiento de los problemas de equilibrio de pacientes con daño cerebral. XXX Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Valenciana de Neurología, 2013.

Martínez-Crespo G., Llorens R., Colomer C., Galán P., Alcañiz M., Noé E. Efectividad de un sistema de realidad virtual para la rehabilitación del equilibrio en pacientes con daño cerebral: Estudio aleatorizado y controlado. 64 Congreso de la Sociedad Andaluza de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, 2013.

Colomer C., Martínez G., Moliner B., Noé E., Llorens R., Ferri J. Eficacia de un sistema de telerrehabilitación en la rehabilitación del equilibrio en pacientes con hemiparesia. 51 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación y Medicina Física (SERMEF 2013), 2013. pp. 22.

Noé E., Llorens R., Colomer C., Navarro M., Alcañiz M., Ferri J., Moliner B. Escalada de conciencia virtual: eficacia y usabilidad de un sistema multiusuario para la rehabilitación de la anosognosia en pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido, Revista de Neurología, 2013. 28:341.


Llorens R., Colomer C., Galán P., Alcañiz M. Effectiveness of a new virtual reality system to regain balance in chronic patients with acquired brain injury: a randomized controlled study. Ninth World Congress on Brain Injury/Brain Injury, 2012. 26(4-5):214.

O’Valle M., Mesa-Gresa P., Navarro M.D., Alcañiz M., Balmaseda R., Ferri J., Noé E. The ‘‘Awareness Climbing’’: A virtual tool for improving self-awareness following acquired brain injury. Ninth World Congress on Brain Injury/Brain Injury, 2012. 26(4-5):322.

Llorens R., Alcañiz M., Colomer C., Navarro M.D. Balance recovery through virtual stepping exercises using Kinect skeleton tracking: a follow‐up study. 17th Annual CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Conference (CYBER17), Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation, 2012. pp. 125-6. [Link]

Llorens R., Navarro M.D., Alcañiz M., Noé E. Therapeutic effectiveness of a virtual reality game in self-awareness after acquired brain injury. 17th Annual CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Conference (CYBER17), Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation, 2012. pp. 125. [Link]

Llorens R., Albiol S., Gil-Gómez J.A., Alcañiz M., Colomer C., Noé E. Balance rehabilitation using custom-made Wii Balance Board exercises: clinical effectiveness and maintenance of gains in acquired brain injury population. Proc. 9th Intl Conf. on Disability, Virtual Reality and Assoc. Technologies, P M Sharkey, E Klinger (Eds), 2012. pp. 10-2. [Link]

Llorens R., Navarro M.D., Alcañiz M., Colomer C., Noé E., Convergent validation of a virtual reality-based street crossing with neuropsychological tests in neglected and non-neglected stroke patients. Proc. 9th Intl Conf. on Disability, Virtual Reality and Assoc. Technologies, P M Sharkey, E Klinger (Eds), 2012. pp. 467-70. [Link]

Llorens R., Marín C., Ortega M., Alcañiz M., Colomer C., Navarro M.D., Noé E., Upper limb tracking using depth information for rehabilitative tangible tabletop systems. Proc. 9th Intl Conf. on Disability, Virtual Reality and Assoc. Technologies, P M Sharkey, E Klinger (Eds), 2012. pp. 463-6. [Link]

Martínez T., Clemente M., Rey B., Mesa-Gresa P., Llorens R., Alcañiz M., Navarro M. D., Ferri J., Bernabeu A., Luna L. Propuesta de protocolo de evaluación para un programa de rehabilitación cognitiva mediante neuroimagen en pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido. VIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Psicofisiología y Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva, 2012.

Navarro M.D., Llorens R., García Blázquez C., Renau O., Caballero Coulon M.C., Mesa Gresa P., Alcañiz M., Ferri N., Ferri J., Noé E. Eficacia de un sistema virtual multiusuario para la rehabilitación de las habilidades metacognitivas y de cognición social de pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido. XXIX Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Valenciana de Neurología, 2012.

Martínez G., Colomer C., Navarro M., Ferri J., Llorens R., Parra E. ¿Cómo de usables son los sistemas de tracking de los sistemas de rehabilitación virtual motora? Estudio en usuarios y terapeutas. 50 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación y Medicina Física (SERMEF 2012), 2012. pp. 202.

Llorens R., Naranjo V., Alcañiz M., Noé E., Alcaide C., Entropía del centro de presión como medida del equilibrio. XXX congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingeniería biomédica (CASEIB 2012), 2012.

Llorens R., Albiol S., Gil-Gómez J.A., Alcañiz M., Colomer C., Noé E., Rehabilitación del equilibrio mediante ejercicios de rehabilitación diseñados para la Wii Balance Board: efectividad clínica y persistencia de la mejoría en pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido. XXX congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingeniería biomédica (CASEIB 2012), 2012.

Llorens R., Colomer C., Noé E., Alcañiz M., ¿La revolución Kinect? Efectividad terapéutica y usabilidad. Revista de Neurología, 2012. 27:314.


Gil-Gómez J., Llorens R., Alcañiz M., Carolina C. Effectiveness of a Wii balance board-based system (eBaViR) for balance rehabilitation: a pilot randomized clinical trial in patients with acquired brain injury. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2011. 8:30. [Link] 

Llorens R., Gil-Gomez J., Mesa-Gresa P., Alcañiz M., Colomer C., Noé E. A Virtual Rehabilitation system: a comprehensive overview. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR), 2011. pp. 1-6.

Mesa-Gresa, Marín C., Llorens R., Alcañiz M., Ferri J., Navarro M.D. Escalada de Conciencia Virtual: Sistema de rehabilitación neuropsicológica para pacientes con Daño Cerebral Adquirido. XXIX congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingeniería biomédica (CASEIB 2011), 2011.

Llorens R., Marín C., Mesa-Gresa P., Alcañiz M., Colomer C., Navarro M.D., Noé E. Sistema de rehabilitación de miembros superiores mediante interfaz tabletop tangible. XXIX congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingeniería biomédica (CASEIB 2011), 2011.

Llorens R., Mesa-Gresa P., Alcañiz M., Colomer C., Noé E. Validación del módulo de rehabilitación del equilibrio mediante alcances de BioTrak en pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido. XXIX congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingeniería biomédica (CASEIB 2011), 2011.

Colomer C., Galán C., Fernández E., Navarro M.D., Llorens R., Alcañiz M. Ebavir: entorno virtual adaptado a la Wii balance board para pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido. 49 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación y Medicina Física (SERMEF 2011), 2011. pp. 23.

Noé E., Colomer C., Llorens R., Navarro M.D., Alcañiz M., Torromé S., Moliner B., Ferri J. (2011). Cómo combinar los sistemas de realidad virtual y las videoconsolas comerciales para la rehabilitación de pacientes con daño cerebral sobrevenido: ejemplos de contenidos e interfaces.  Revista de Neurología, 53 (4): 245-54.