Grant Number
Planet Media, S.L.
Playence Spain, S.A.
UPC, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
SaaS application oriented to mobiles. This tool allows the automatic creation and visualization of augmented reality content.
Automatic generation of augmented reality content for mobiles.
CLOUD ARM Project aims to develop a SaaS application for mobiles. This tool must allow the automatic creation and visualization of augmented reality content without depending on mobile companies. For this reason the resultant system, running over HTML5, will be completely independent of mobile operative system. In that way, augmented reality content will adapt to user’s needs.
Augmented Reality contents will be generated automatically thanks to a tag generator, a layer generator and a semi-automatic aggregator of semantic datasets, which will be developed during the project.
At the same time the project intends to improve the geolocation system, both indoor and outdoor, using image retrieval technology. The quality of geolocation system is essential because all the augmented reality system is based on it.
The project foresees the creation of a user community whose members will generate and improve augmented reality contents. All these contents will be on cloud and we will use this to open the data to third parties under the paradigm of publishing Linked Data.
CLOUD ARM project was submitted by a consortium composed by the following entities:
Planet Media, as coordinator of the consortium, as a provider of services and solutions in Information Technology.
Playence, highly innovative and pioneering company in the annotation, management and semantic search of multimedia content.
Vilau, cross-platform solutions in the field of information and communication technology.
CLAB, Audiovisual Cluster of the Balearic Islands.
UPC, Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
LABHUMAN, unit of the Interuniversity Institute for Research in Bioengineering and human-oriented technology (I3BH) belonging to the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
CLOUD ARM was submitted to the subprogram INNPACTO 2011 call, belonging to the instrumental line of Articulation and Internationalization of the System under the National Plan for Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation, 2008-2011. The project is co-financed by FEDER funds and the Ministry of Science and Innovation with the file number IPT-2011-1834-430000.
With a service like CLOUD ARM, all the society will have access to the information in a different way, answering to his demand of advanced ICT services.