ICT for mental health Papers & news
The Technology Assisted Training and Therapy (AT3) group of LabLENI published a new article
This investigation focused on the identification of biomarkers for the ASD diagnosis.
Mariano Alcañiz at the XXII International Congress of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Update
Mariano Alcañiz attended as keynote speaker the XXII International Congress of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Update, organized by INVANEP.
Radio interview to Carmen Torrecilla
Assessment through neuroscience of the brand choice at the selling point. An integrated analysis of eye tracking and human behavior tracking by means of virtual reality
Situation COVID-19
Due to the current exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 and following the official rules published by Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), we will work from home during this week.
We have has just renewed our ISO9001:2015 certificate!
LENI is certified with ISO9001:2015 as a standard of Quality Management System from 2009. We provide consistent products and services with an optimum organization, traceability and great synergies between areas.
LabLENI at Match UPV-Babcock
On March 3 our colleagues Mario Ortega Pérez and Carla de Juan Ripoll attended the Match UPV-Babcock day representing LENI
Alice Chicchi Giglioli defended her doctoral thesis
Novel supports to the assessment of cognitive functions through the combined use of technologies and subjective and objective measurements
Upcoming event! EuroVR 2020
LENI has been selected as the next organizing group of EuroVR in 2020
HELIOS review meeting in Dublin (Ireland)
LaBLENI is a partner of HELIOS project and attended the project review meeting that took place in Dublin in Sep, 2019.
3D motion tracking co-funded by European Union
Motion tracking using IR technology and visualization with multichannel laser projection.
The Technology Assisted Training and Therapy (AT3) group of LabLENI published a new article
This investigation focused on the identification of biomarkers for the ASD diagnosis.
Mariano Alcañiz at the XXII International Congress of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Update
Mariano Alcañiz attended as keynote speaker the XXII International Congress of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Update, organized by INVANEP.
Radio interview to Carmen Torrecilla
Assessment through neuroscience of the brand choice at the selling point. An integrated analysis of eye tracking and human behavior tracking by means of virtual reality
Situation COVID-19
Due to the current exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 and following the official rules published by Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), we will work from home during this week.
We have has just renewed our ISO9001:2015 certificate!
LENI is certified with ISO9001:2015 as a standard of Quality Management System from 2009. We provide consistent products and services with an optimum organization, traceability and great synergies between areas.
LabLENI at Match UPV-Babcock
On March 3 our colleagues Mario Ortega Pérez and Carla de Juan Ripoll attended the Match UPV-Babcock day representing LENI
Alice Chicchi Giglioli defended her doctoral thesis
Novel supports to the assessment of cognitive functions through the combined use of technologies and subjective and objective measurements
Upcoming event! EuroVR 2020
LENI has been selected as the next organizing group of EuroVR in 2020
HELIOS review meeting in Dublin (Ireland)
LaBLENI is a partner of HELIOS project and attended the project review meeting that took place in Dublin in Sep, 2019.
3D motion tracking co-funded by European Union
Motion tracking using IR technology and visualization with multichannel laser projection.

The Technology Assisted Training and Therapy (AT3) group of LabLENI published a new article
This investigation focused on the identification of biomarkers for the ASD diagnosis.

Mariano Alcañiz at the XXII International Congress of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Update
Mariano Alcañiz attended as keynote speaker the XXII International Congress of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Update, organized by INVANEP.

Radio interview to Carmen Torrecilla
Assessment through neuroscience of the brand choice at the selling point. An integrated analysis of eye tracking and human behavior tracking by means of virtual reality

Situation COVID-19
Due to the current exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 and following the official rules published by Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), we will work from home during this week.

We have has just renewed our ISO9001:2015 certificate!
LENI is certified with ISO9001:2015 as a standard of Quality Management System from 2009. We provide consistent products and services with an optimum organization, traceability and great synergies between areas.

LabLENI at Match UPV-Babcock
On March 3 our colleagues Mario Ortega Pérez and Carla de Juan Ripoll attended the Match UPV-Babcock day representing LENI

Alice Chicchi Giglioli defended her doctoral thesis
Novel supports to the assessment of cognitive functions through the combined use of technologies and subjective and objective measurements

Upcoming event! EuroVR 2020
LENI has been selected as the next organizing group of EuroVR in 2020

HELIOS review meeting in Dublin (Ireland)
LaBLENI is a partner of HELIOS project and attended the project review meeting that took place in Dublin in Sep, 2019.

3D motion tracking co-funded by European Union
Motion tracking using IR technology and visualization with multichannel laser projection.
ICT for mental health Projects
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