In the top 100 of Scientific Reports

Our article "Affective computing in virtual reality: emotion recognition from brain and heartbeat dynamics using wearable sensors" has received 1.647 article views in 2018, so it is one of the top 100 read neuroscience papers for Scientific Reports in 2018. SREPTop100 published more than 1.627 neuroscience papers in 2018, and so a position in the top 100 most highly read articles is an extraordinary achievement.
XX Meeting of the Spanish neurorehabilitation society
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Roadmapping Extended Reality
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We are looking for children with autism to test a diagnostic system with virtual reality
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New project e-DIPLOMA
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Mariano Alcañiz is co-author of a recently published article: The role of consumer data in marketing: A research agenda, in Journal of Business Research
News Mariano Alcañiz, Director of LabLENI, is co-author of a recently published paper entitled “The role of consumer data in marketing: A research agenda”, in Journal of Business Research. This research offers an integrative framework that focuses on the forms of...