New AT3 article: An Immersive Virtual Reality Game for Predicting Risk Taking through the Use of Implicit Measures
This paper is in the framework of the ATEMIN project

The Technology Assisted Training and Therapy (AT3) group of LabLENI has published a new article entitled “An Immersive Virtual Reality Game for Predicting Risk Taking through the Use of Implicit Measures” in the journal Applied Sciences.
The paper presents a new virtual reality tool for risk taking assessment called AEMIN. Novelties are in the field of risk taking measurement, focusing on the application of virtual reality to obtain cognitive and affective metrics.
Publication link:
The paper presents a new virtual reality tool for risk taking assessment called AEMIN. Novelties are in the field of risk taking measurement, focusing on the application of virtual reality to obtain cognitive and affective metrics.
Publication link:
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