GUEST INTELLIGENCE - Tourism Intelligence Platform
Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

LabLENI develops, together with Lopesan Hotel Group and The Wise Dreams, the first intelligent solution that generates a volume of data from the permanent evaluation of the tourists during their stay.
The data obtained with Guest Intelligence will allow identifying possible dissatisfaction, optimize services and spaces, personalize services, qualify and prioritize customers.
More info here!
The data obtained with Guest Intelligence will allow identifying possible dissatisfaction, optimize services and spaces, personalize services, qualify and prioritize customers.
More info here!
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Mariano Alcañiz is co-author of a recently published article: The role of consumer data in marketing: A research agenda, in Journal of Business Research
News Mariano Alcañiz, Director of LabLENI, is co-author of a recently published paper entitled “The role of consumer data in marketing: A research agenda”, in Journal of Business Research. This research offers an integrative framework that focuses on the forms of...