Consum and LabLENI-UPV are committed to virtual reality for the training of cashier staff
This is the first time that the Cooperative incorporates this type of training for its staff, which will begin to be implemented from September

Consum will incorporate virtual reality for the training of its cashier staff and is doing it with the help of LabLeni-I3B. This is the first time that the Cooperative incorporates this type of course for its staff, which will begin to be implemented from September.
The training, which is being developed by LabLeni-I3B, consists of a virtual reality platform, with realistic and modular virtual environments, which will allow the transfer of knowledge to reality, since, as it is an experiential learning, the information will be adapted to future similar experiences. The learning methodology is based on simulation and contextualization, for which avatars will be used that will simulate the different real situations that could occur with customers in the checkout of a supermarket.
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The training, which is being developed by LabLeni-I3B, consists of a virtual reality platform, with realistic and modular virtual environments, which will allow the transfer of knowledge to reality, since, as it is an experiential learning, the information will be adapted to future similar experiences. The learning methodology is based on simulation and contextualization, for which avatars will be used that will simulate the different real situations that could occur with customers in the checkout of a supermarket.
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