Technologies for enhancing human abilities and capacities.

Neuroleadership and neuromanagement

The great advances of the neurosciences allow the direct observation of the cerebral reactions at the moment in which they take place in an inexpensive way; The objective of neuromanagement is focused on the optimization of the functioning of brain processes to work faster, with less risk of errors and avoiding that an inadequate handling of emotions affects the executive functions of the brain, in the same way guidelines for discover those competences directly linked to leadership and innovation (neurolide leadership), crucial aspects to open up new markets, encourage creative and critical thinking and adapt leadership to the increasingly complex needs of an organization.

On the other hand, we must clarify that virtual reality environments are increasingly being used by neuroscientists to simulate natural phenomena and social interactions. VR creates interactive sensory stimuli, which offer unique advantages over other approaches to neuroscientific research and its applications.

Main contributions

This unit is focused on the use of innovative techniques of “hidden evaluation” or “stealth assessment” in virtual environments for the evaluation of leadership skills. This technique is based on tools and evaluation methods that are perfectly incorporated in virtual environments, and that are dedicated to the analysis of user behavior within the virtual environment without causing any type of intrusion and without the user being aware.
As a result, commercial neuro-leadership products have been developed that incorporate these techniques, the neurosteps system. ( and DELFOS 3D ( are some examples.