Affective Computing for Human Wellbeing Artificial Intelligence for understanding and enhancing human wellbeing Home People Research Areas Resources Projects Publications Projects AllAffective ComputingLLMStatistical learningVirtual Humans DITESMUACW, Affective Computing, LLM, Statistical learning, Virtual Humans VirtuVPACW, Affective Computing, LLM, Statistical learning, Virtual Humans REMDEACW, Affective Computing DEBIOACW, Affective Computing, ICT for mental health, LLM TIMBREACW, Assessment of Psychological Traits, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN, Statistical learning ADAPTEAACW, Affective Computing, Generative XR for Psychological Interventions, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN EmoternityICT for mental health, LLM ATHENEAACW, ICT for mental health, LLM, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN HeliosACW, AI in Enhanced Experiences for Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, CBR, LLM T-ROOMACW, Affective Computing, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, SCN