Persuasive and Immersive Learning Technologies for enhancing human abilities and capacities. PIL People Projects Publications Projects AllAssessment of Psychological TraitsGenerative XR for Psychological InterventionsICT for mental healthOrganizational neuroscienceVR training KOKORO-KIDSAssessment of Psychological Traits, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN XR2IndustryP/IL, VR training VR Financial TrainingP/IL, VR training DEBIOAffective Computing, ICT for mental health, LLM PICTUREOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL E-DiplomaP/IL, VR training ELITE ProjectOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL TIMBREACW, Assessment of Psychological Traits, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN, Statistical learning ADAPTEAACW, Affective Computing, Generative XR for Psychological Interventions, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN Consum VR TrainingOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL, VR training EmoternityICT for mental health, LLM REBRANDAssessment of Psychological Traits, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN ATHENEAACW, ICT for mental health, LLM, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN ATEMINOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL DEMETEROrganizational neuroscience, P/IL RHUMBOOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL POTIONHuman chemosignals, Organizational neuroscience, P/IL, SCN, Social Synchrony ArqueopterixOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL ASLEEPP/IL, VR training NeurostepsOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL DELFOS 3DOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL