Projects AllACWCBRCVXRP/ILSCN DITESMUACW, Affective Computing, LLM, Statistical learning, Virtual Humans VirtuVPACW, Affective Computing, LLM, Statistical learning, Virtual Humans EASIERSCN, Social Synchrony KOKORO-KIDSAssessment of Psychological Traits, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN SOCiIAImmersive Analytics, SCN XR2IndustryP/IL, VR training VR Financial TrainingP/IL, VR training REMDEACW, Affective Computing DEBIOACW, Affective Computing, ICT for mental health, LLM PICTUREOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL E-DiplomaP/IL, VR training ViewshopAI in Enhanced Experiences for Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, CBR ELITE ProjectOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL TIMBREACW, Assessment of Psychological Traits, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN, Statistical learning ProMotionVRAI in Enhanced Experiences for Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, CBR HOLOGISTICComputer Vision, CVXR, Human Robot Interaction, Industry 5.0 BitscopeCBR ADAPTEAACW, Affective Computing, Generative XR for Psychological Interventions, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN Consum VR TrainingOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL, VR training GUEST INTELLIGENCECBR T-EYENeuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, SCN EXPERIENCEComputer Vision, CVXR, GenerativeXR EmoternityICT for mental health, LLM REBRANDAssessment of Psychological Traits, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN ATHENEAACW, ICT for mental health, LLM, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, P/IL, SCN MiN-TopNeuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, SCN ATEMINOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL DEMETEROrganizational neuroscience, P/IL RHUMBOOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL PEOPLEP/IL POTIONHuman chemosignals, Organizational neuroscience, P/IL, SCN, Social Synchrony HeliosACW, AI in Enhanced Experiences for Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, CBR, LLM Pamesa ChairComputer Vision, CVXR MANTRAComputer Vision, CVXR, Industry 5.0 ExIFComputer Vision, CVXR ArqueopterixOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL ASLEEPP/IL, VR training NeurostepsOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL AIDEComputer Vision, CVXR, Industry 5.0 Heineken ChairCBR ARECBR T-ROOMACW, Affective Computing, Neuropsychological Assessment & Treatment, SCN SmartshelfCBR SmartSetCVXR, GenerativeXR VRSoccerComputer Vision, CVXR VirtuchefComputer Vision, CVXR CARMACVXR ARPCBR DGT StudyCBR BreastcareP/IL DELFOS 3DOrganizational neuroscience, P/IL FILSysComputer Vision, CVXR DAPIEMCVXR CLOUD ARMCVXR E-JuniorCVXR